
Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Tue Oct 6 15:16:48 CEST 2009


what happens when you just restart plasma (kquitapp plasma-desktop; sleep 2; 
plasma-desktop) - does it load the data then?

How do you access nepomuk? Via its classes or via d-bus?

>  session, when KDE starts, it seems, plasma is started before Nepomuk
You can check whether this is the case by checking whether you can connect to 
org.kde.nepomuk.<something> via d-bus.

> 1. Should the plasmoid do checks on the Nepomuk store service on start-up
> and if so

> 2. why is this necessary from a plasmoid point of view
> 3. shouldn't plasma do this internally on start-up?
Plasma (and the rest of KDE) doesn't have a hard-dependency on Nepomuk at the 
moment, so waiting for Nepomuk to start is not really needed.


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