Qalculate plasmoid moved to kdeplasma-addons

Matteo Agostinelli agostinelli at
Mon Oct 5 14:30:43 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 30 September 2009 19:29:29 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On September 30, 2009, Matteo Agostinelli wrote:
> > Also, I would like to add that this is not meant to be a replacement of
> > the existing calculator but an optional "enhanced" calculator, since it
> > requires an additional external dependency (libqalculate). So IMO the
> > current choice of branding (name and icon) could be acceptable. If there
> so i finally got it built and found some time to test it. some input:
> * it uses QHttp; it must use KIO instead
> * the network access in QalculateEngine::updateExchangeRates() is blocking
> rather than async
> * there's nothing that defines the widget as being a calculator when it's
>  just sitting there. perhaps when there are no results the qalculate icon
>  could be painted in the results area? or even the icon and the name?
>  probably don't want to do anything with the line edit as it should have as
>  much space as possible
> * minor issue: there's a tooltip even when the widget is shown fully on the
> desktop that probably isn't overly useful
> >  are no objections, I would like to move it to kdeplasma-addons next
> >  weekend. I am willing to mantain it in the future.
> i'm cool with this; the code looks good and if you are willing / able to
> maintain it -> win! :) i look forward to seeing this in plasma-addons for
>  4.4. do you have a checkout of kdebase around? if you do, could you put an
>  entry in workspace/plasma/design/CHANGELOG-4.4 for this? (if not, i can do
>  it for you)
> btw, is libqalculate thread safe? if so, would you be interested in hooking
>  up qalculate to the calculator runner? if qalculate doesn't exist, it
>  could fall back to the current "evaluate it using qscript" method, but if
>  qalculate does exist it could get us a much nicer calculator runner.
So, since all points have been addressed I have now moved the applet to 
kdeplasma-addons. I hope I did it properly. Let me know if there are some 
problems. Thanks!


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