Systray and notifications

Marco Martin notmart at
Tue Nov 17 22:32:52 CET 2009

Hi all,
it's a while I'm experimenting with somehow connecting
KStatusNotifierItems and KNotifications.
The original idea was to add the kstatusnotifier item dbus path
directly in the Notify function of org.freedesktop.notifications dbus
object, but this would break existing applications, sinnce is quite
used already bot on kde and gnome.
the solution i have now is a bit diferent, the kstatusnotifieritem
emits a signal that states that it belongs an id of a certain

I don't particularly like that api either (looks a bit weird indeed,
and requires that the NewNotification signal is emitted -after- a
notification is actually arrived), but seems to be more
retrocompatible and the code is quite simple after all...
someone has an idea for a better api that preserves retrocompatibility?
comments? toughts?

Marco Martin

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