thinking ahead to 4.5: features or polish?

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Nov 4 22:16:51 CET 2009

On November 4, 2009, you wrote:
> on the other hand there are spots that are too new, thus needing a big
>  amount of work, also feature wise, thinking about the netbook, of course,
>  where now a big amount of work has been put into having something
>  "shippable", but the work to do is still huge.

if we look at what plasma-netbook will be in 4.4, what can be done to the 
feature set as it will exist at that point to make it more reliable and more 

we could add a new kind of containment (multimedia, e.g.). my concern is that 
is exactly how it will go given how we've been working for the last 2 years.  
now, that leads to great things (just look at what we've done in the last 2 
years :), but it's also led to some parts of our existing working being 
"gappy" and "mushy" instead of complete and solid.

> or also the overview and the nepomuk integration (will they have a first
> shipped version for 4.4? i hope so?)

same as the netbook situation imho.

> * is a feature that can be considered vital for a decent user experience?
> (like completing missing parts of the netbook)

that's certainly part of polishing in my books, but we may need to define it a 
bit better, such as:

"any feature that is considered vital for the existing definition of the user 

> * is something that could be considered the completition of an already
>  present half baked feature?

that's absolutely polishing.

> * is the integration of a feature that was put in and still not really
>  used? (like using the new animation framework around, making components
>  nepomuk activity aware..)


> * is something pretty big but that can facilitate with the goals we have
>  for 4.5? (like rewriting large chunks of old crufty code into something a
>  bit smaller and nicer, thinking about the toolboxes for instance)

if it leads to something that is more solid, more consistent and/or more 
complete ... absolutely.

this is all about finishing well what we've already started in on. be it 
plasma-netbook or toolboxes. which implies avoiding new cool ideas that don't 
already exist in 4.4.

> To summarize, not being something with 0 features as if we were in string
> freeze for 6 months, but something that has a couple of new things with the
> focus on "remember that part you said it had great potentiality? ok, now it
> works"


Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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