Activities service in KDEreview

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Mon Nov 2 18:33:08 CET 2009

Updated version in kdereview - it uses nepomuk in a much better way.

Since the ontology is not yet written, it uses a dummy link
which can later be changed or made to redirect to a real rdf.

If anyone (Sebastian) has a better idea for the url, please speak.

I have a question, though. Since (per Sebastian's suggestion), the current 
activity id is stored inside the configuration file, and not inside nepomuk, 
is there a better way of getting the configuration group for a nepomuk service 
than doing it manually:

KConfig config(KStandardDirs::locate("config", "nepomukserverrc"));
KConfigGroup configGroup ="Service-nepomukactivitiesservice");
m_currentActivityId = configGroup.readEntry("currentActivityId", QString());


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