Desktop dock SoC proposal

Sevcsik András sevcsik at
Mon Mar 30 23:16:57 CEST 2009


I'm András Sevcsik, and I'd like to apply for the Desktop Dock Summer of 
Code idea.

I know C++, but I don't have experience in KDE4/Qt (except user level), But I 
see KDE4 api as quite easy to learn. Is it possible for me to get applied 
under the flag of KDE?

About the proposal: If I see the problem right, the project could be divided 
into two parts: first to create an application launher plasmoid that can also 
manipulate the windows of the launched application, and for second, create 
a containment plasmoid that can do eyecandy zoom effects and perhaps 3D 
look. Thus, users can have OSX-style task managament with the standard 
kde panel, and vica versa.

Do you have any suggestions for this idea?

András Sevcsik

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