GSoC Proposal - Plasmate Widget templates

Michał Borek michal at
Sat Mar 28 12:22:16 CET 2009

I'm interesing in joining to GSoC this year. Please tell me what you 
think about this proposal to Plasmate improvements. I'm the new one in 
KDE community so please be forgiving :)

Little abstract:
"Development and use of plasmoids should be as easy as possible.
Making development of plasmoids easier is the best way I bring new 
plasmoids created by less experienced programmers. I think that 
simplicity of creating plasmoids bring many new, interesting ones and it 
will attract others attention to KDE and Linux.
This goal can be achieved by creating wizards of simple templates of 
plasmoids and help programmer with well known problems. There could be 
also a tool to creating templates, so that more experienced programmers 
could make templates and include it to plasmate.
When less experienced user create some template-based plasmoids it would 
be easier to him to get involved of creating plasmoids.
Templates are well known in IDEs like Eclipse, Netbeans etc. and they 
are very convenient."

Use case:


1. "New from template" meni item would open wizard;

2. Wizard contains a list with plasmoid templates with title and short 
description (maybe little screenshot).

3. User choose template and click "Finish" and has ready to develop 
basic plasmoid template.

Programmer of templates:

1. Programmer create some template of plasmoid (simple plasmoid with not 
complete functionality, but easy to modify).
2. Programmer clicks "Save as Template". Templates may be uploaded to 
some repository and downloaded by other people.

This is just the beginning of my conception, but I don't know if you 
like it and if I should develop my idea.

Please tell me what do you think about it, and if it's good idea to make 
a proposal to GSoC with this subproject.

Best regards
Michal Borek

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