Suggestions on my GSoC proposal

Ana Cecília Martins Barbosa anaceciliamb at
Tue Mar 24 23:19:04 CET 2009

Thanks everybody for the feedback. This is the first time I'm doing this, so
it's very important to me to hear from you guys - I listened to every
suggestion you gave me.

here is the link to the updated proposal:

The things I corrected were related to the implementation details, where I
added the already required funcionalities and made it clear that it's going
to be developed. I also said that I'm going to take into account the mockups
that were already made by some of the community (which I was already
planning to do and also already talking to an author of a mockup, Nookie) -
the mockups are great, and so I hope the result is going to be even better
then those!

I couldn't specificate the timeline and implementation details anymore than
this, since I'm still gonna have an intense study of the libplasma and the
current code, like it's explained in the 'Timeline' section. If someone
could help me on this matter, I would be very thankful :)

Since this is basically an interface project (even though the whole backend
is gonna be remade), I'm willing to spend some 'not-codding' time to study
it, study the users and the current mockups, so the result come out the best
it can be. I didn't want to deliver a GUI without this previous study, based
only on my theories and dislikes, cause I think I would be negligent by
doing that. And, as I stated, I will do that *before *GSoC coding weeks. But
please, if someone have objections about this, let me know.

thanks again,

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