Suggestions on my GSoC proposal

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at
Tue Mar 24 16:56:40 CET 2009

Hi Annie,

Before I start, I want you to welcome you to KDE and Plasma, and to say that 
everything I write here is solely my point of view, and doesn't need to 
reflect the opinion of other Plasma mentors.

I needed to write the statement above since most of the time I sound to harsh 
while I'm not, so keep that in mind while reading the rest of the mail. :)

So here we go :)

Don't get me wrong, but reading your proposal doesn't ... well, it doesn't 
really say much. It is expected that you'll have to study the current code, 
the libplasma, ...

Separating the development in backend (or to say model) and frontend (the 
view) is also a standard procedure.

What exactly makes /you/ special? And why should /your/ project proposal be 
accepted instead of another?

Making mock-ups after the project is accepted is (again, from my point of 
view) not acceptable - this project is mostly about UI since there is not much 
you need to do in the backend (rating system instead of favourite widgets and 
all that, ... is not that much work)

I'm not saying that you should envision now the exact thing you'll be making, 
but you should have some general idea about it. And you should put that idea 
on paper for us to see.

It would be even better to also specify why you made the design choices you 
made, and what you think are the downsides of your approach.


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