GSoC proposal draft: network transparency.

Chani chanika at
Tue Mar 24 02:26:14 CET 2009

> From here on, I will refer to the behavior needed by Charlie as copying
> (it's just that: a copy of an applet/activity and it's configuration),
> while the behavior needed by Alice will be referred to as sharing (changes

charlie's copying sounds like it has some overlap with the containment-saving 
soc idea... but since nobody's shown much interest in that, it probably won't 

> Publishing and accessing activities and applets should be something the
> user can do through the GUI easily. I will add the necessary bit's to the
> plasma GUI, most likely actions in context menu's for publishing, and a
> network browser in the add widget dialog for accessing.

if we get a soc project for redoing the appletbrowser, I guess you'll need to 
co-ordinate this with them.

> The security implications will need to be thought trough. We will need some
> some way of authenticating systems that are allowed access to published
> applets or activities.

hmm, yes. that does need sorting out. and if we get more community-stuff like 
this in KDE (and I hope we do) then it'll probably look to this to see how to 
do the security. :)

in general this sounds pretty awesome. :) really looking forward to seeing 
this project completed.

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