Add widget - Mockup

Ana Cecília Martins Barbosa anaceciliamb at
Mon Mar 23 15:45:20 CET 2009

Hi Mensur,

That's great stuff that you've been doing to the widget explorer! I've been
collecting some opinios about today's explorer and people are not happy
about it! That is really a improvement, and there's more to do if we want to
see it for real!

See, I'm a student trying to get my hands on this project at Google Summer
of Code (ever heard of it?) - I'm writing a proposal to create a new Widget
Explorer and I also thought about some mockups, I kind of drawed six ideas
down, and there are some that looks like yours.

In my proposal I'm willing to do some user study, with the focus group
technique, and after that I can learn what really bugs the users, what
should really be changed/added. That's should give us some better
perspective :)

What do you think of helping me with this battle? We can build it together,
even if my proposal doesn't get accepted :)
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