another update on the systray and tiny api review

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Mar 23 13:09:03 CET 2009

soo, recappig on the current status:

movies are now supported (it is a vector of images that travels over dbus)
when the icon status is needsattention if a movie is set is displayed this 
one, otherwise it blinks with the icon set by attentionIcon.
(eh, would be really cool to have an unique timer for both animating and 
blinking, animator doesn't have support for eternal animations, hmm)

so, what still needs to be done on the client side:
some renames:
 org.kde.SystemTray -> org.kde.NotificationIcon?
 org.kde.systemtrayDaemon -> org.kde.NotificationIconWatcher?
   (with the hopeless hope that one day it could start with org.freedestop, 
 usually i see that dbus methods are uppercase, i find it ugly, but if it's 
the usual policy i will uppercase them all..

icon images passing:
has to be checked if it works with non qt apps, eh, have no idea, would be 
cool finding some gnomie interested in the thing, cough cough, impossible? eh 

right now they are a struct with width, height and the data.. buut the data is 
basically the dump of the image encoded in png (aka, 
so width and height are actually useless.
I like the idea to pass a png, since would be cross platform in nature and 
compressed, so less data to pass
but, if it was so easy why on earth galago uses those complex structures with 
width height, bits, hasalpha and all that cruft? /me is quite perplexed...

Marco Martin

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