Comments on cool plasmoid popup animations

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Mar 18 20:40:57 CET 2009

On Wednesday 18 March 2009, Jud Craft wrote:
> Sorry, the's that little window that has the "resize,
> delete, configure" buttons for each plasmoid (not sure what to call
> that window, I just say 'plasmoid utility popup' - PUP, tongue in

ah, that one. yeah, that would require some support from a compositing window 
manager (e.g. kwin). it would be possible to emulate this with resizing and 
moving the window, but it wouldn't be perfect and would have really bad 

the challenge with the compositing window manager support is that we'd need 
some way of marking these windows as to be animated and from what location.

we can do this with the applet handles easily because all of that is done by 
plasma on the canvas.

so .. probably doable, but a lot of work and would include modifications to 
both libplasma and kwin.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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