Comments on cool plasmoid popup animations

Jud Craft craftjml at
Wed Mar 18 16:51:31 CET 2009

Hello again!  I really like the way the plasmoid utility popups do
that quick gliding-fade-in-and-out when you hover on a plasmoid.

I think this animation would look good on the big plasmoid tooltips
too.  For example, when I hover on the big analog clock, the sidebar
does the cool sliding-fade-in (even looks great when it's not
composited), but the big "This is Today's Date and Full Time" box just
pops in.  It would look really cool on any of the plasmoids, actually,
especially the taskbar.  And maybe more consistent.

Unless there's a usability/programming problem there (may not be as
easy to animate the big tooltips).  I think I like the fade-glide
better than the "sliding giant popup" effect that happens when you
move from one Plasmoid to another and the giant popup follows you; it
seems a little jerky and laggy by comparison.

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