How to display the insert index when sorting manually (Tasks applet)

Marco Martin notmart at
Sun Mar 15 13:18:52 CET 2009

On Sunday 15 March 2009, Christian Mollekopf wrote:
> Hi,
> while working on the improved sorting and grouping in the tasks applet
> for the manual sorting in the tasks applet i wanted to show the insert
> index similar as it's done in the panel when sorting applets, so showing a
> spacer item where the task will be inserted.
> unfortunately i noticed some problems with it and i'm not sure if it
> wouldn't be better to just display a vertical line between the tasks.
> The first problem with the spacer is that if you drag a task over the
> taskbar, the whole thing starts to move. If you have one row thats okay and
> can be smoothened by using animations and  timers before showing the
> spacer. With several rows it's rather annoying because items at the end of
> the row jump to the beginning of the next row.
> The second problem is a bit harder to explain.
> Imagine a taskbar like this (S are sorting hitboxes and G are grouping

the item that is being dragged can be removed as soon as the drop target is 
created, it would mitigate a bit the jumping effect (if animated perhaps is 
not so bad even with multiple lines, but should be necessary to see it to 
really have an idea, could either look super cool or horrid...)

using just a cursor would appear less jumpy and way easier to implement..
not sure what is the better way in the long run...

Marco Martin

> hitboxes):
>  so as soon you drag a task over the S hitbox of an item the spacer is
> inserted:
> If you drag your task now to the right because you actually want to group
> with item 2, the spacer dissapears and you mouse is immediatly over item 3
> instead of two.
> Therefore i suggest using a cursor like bar to display the insert index.
> Regards,
> Christian
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