Problem with SVG Cache

Arthur Renato Mello arthur.mello85 at
Thu Mar 12 23:39:03 CET 2009


I am facing a issue using svg on plasmoids. If I update/change the
used svg file, the plasmoid will keep with the old pixmap from cache.
If I understood the code correctly, all svg files will be stored on
cache (even the ones that are not on a theme dir). but the cache will
only discard an entry if we have a color scheme or a theme change. A
file change, if the file still exist, is never checked.

This is a issue if you try to pack a single plasmoid. When user
install a new version any svg change will be ignored by cache.
By now I can try invalidate cache manually, but that is kind of a
problem for each new plasmoid release.

I talked a little about it on #plasma but I was not able to find a fix
that do not involve checking file timestamp. But using that will slow
down plasma performance with many disk access, right?

Do you guys think that is a real issue, or should I keep doing this
manually? Anyone has an idea how is the best way to handle this?


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