Tokamak 3 - The organization begins

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Tue Jun 16 10:27:24 CEST 2009

On Tuesday 16 June 2009 00:00:22 Mario Fux wrote:
> As you may now the next plasma meeting will be in Switzerland in the center
> of the Alpes and as the proposed dates [1] come nearer the final
> organization has to begin.
> The meeting dates are now set to:
> - From: Friday, August 28th 2009
> - To: Saturday, September 5th 2009
> We will see who can arrive when and organize the topics corresponding to
> the people who are available. But the Chalet [2] is reserved for you for
> this time.
> As propably some of you already saw I began to fill the techbase page with
> information and it's now at a state which is complete enough to announce
> [3]. In following coming days I'll complete the missing bits and correct my
> errors and mistakes [*].
> I ask you to fill in the table till the end of June/beginning of July. Then
> we can look for the financial stuff. And read the page.
> If there are any questions just ask here or in private.

Are we sleeping in the same chalet, or is there a near hotel?

I'l be at Linuxtag as well, btw.
sebas | |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 

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