
David Nolden david.nolden.kdevelop at art-master.de
Sat Jun 6 13:40:34 CEST 2009

Am Samstag 06 Juni 2009 12:34:33 schrieb Sebastian Kügler:
> On Saturday 06 June 2009 12:01:26 David Nolden wrote:
> > Why did you do this? From what I see, it should be "opt-out for geeks".
> > To sum up the discussion we had:
> >
> > 90% Pro remaining time
> > 5% Neutral
> > 5% Con
> Design and democracy have very little in common with each other. Sorry to
> break this news.
Especially true for Plasma as it seems.

So you're talking about visions. The only clear vision I can see right now is 
"Do whatever Aaron thinks is best, don't listen to users".

Isn't this getting ridiculous? Now a useful feature is taken away from a large 
amount of users, just because _some_ Hardware/Drivers are broken, and one 
person has some pseudo-psychological ideas about "Trust your computer" without 
any scientific backing.

At the same time, a large percentage of the users with a similar problem, all 
those who want/can not use composition are clearly declared "secondary target 
audience", refusing to put any workarounds into Plasma.

Isn't it obvious how these two issues are measured by completely different 
standards? So where's the vision?

Either you make well-working hardware+drivers the primary target audience, or 
target the lowest common denominator. But not a random mix of both that 
coincides with Aarons Harware.

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