contextaction (mouse) plugins

Chani chanika at
Sat Jun 6 00:48:39 CEST 2009

here's the beginning of my gsoc project. :)
I've basically copied the wallpaper plugin code to create the ContextAction 
plugin. there are two functions that get called: contextEvent and wheelEvent. 
right now I'm passing the entire event to the plugin, even though I don't 
really want plugins to look at the buttons or modifiers that triggered them. 
the event has three position functions and the wheel also has a delta, and I 
don't like functions with a lot of parameters.

Containment has gained the setContextAction function in the attached diff 
(again I was copying wallpaper code). ContainmentPrivate keeps a QHash of the 
loaded plugins; the key is a string representation of the button (and optional 
modifiers) that triggers it. when there's a mouse or wheel event, Containment 
looks in that hashmap to find the matching plugin (if any). the list of plugins 
is saved in the containment's config under [ContextActions] and loaded if it 

there are two plugins I've added to kdebase - one is just a dummy for testing, 
and the other is the switch-virtual-desktop plugin I mentioned on my blog.

the code is still rough in places - I haven't written any config UI at all, and 
haven't tried to make any plugin itself configurable (I think it'll be annoying 
to do that without some UI in place). also, the contextMenuEvent function is 
currently eating any rightclicks; dealing with that properly won't be trivial. 
still, I figured I'd put my code out here for some initial API review. and if 
anyone can come up with a better class name than ContextAction, tell me :)

the full code is available at in the 
gsoc branch of each repo. attached is just the public API bit.

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