Current Animations Poll for QT Kinetic + Plasma

J. Janz jj at
Thu Jun 4 15:54:44 CEST 2009

2009/6/3 Casper Clemence <maninalift at>

> 2009/6/2 Akmanalp, Mehmet A <makmanalp at>:
> ...
> > So, apparently, people don't use a large variety of animations at all,
> > and don't chain them parallelly.
> ...
> Something that is crying out for parallel animations is the plasma
> tooltips trasitions. Hover over an item to bring up a tooltip then
> move to another before the tooltip times out and the tooltip will
> slide gracefully between the two, however the content and frame size
> change abruptly. This really needs a fade (between toolip content) and
> animated resize as well as slide to tie it all together. Might this be
> a good test case?

+1. I feel it a bit odd too).

Thinking on another one, what do you think of expanding / contracting
(maybe - or maybe just not - alongside fading in and out) popupapplet?
JJ (|´:¬{)»
"Eu sou a ressurreição e a vida. Quem crê em mim, ainda que morra, viverá; e
todo o que vive e crê em mim não morrerá, eternamente. Crês isto?"
O Senhor, Jesus Cristo - Jo.11:25-26
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