simplelauncher review request

David Johnson david at
Sat Jan 31 21:56:44 CET 2009

The simplelauncher classic menu looks fine under the Oxygen style, but under 
most other styles the margins around the menu are too small. While this is 
okay for application menus, it looks odd for an application launcher.

Under the Oxygen style there is ample space around the launcher menu, but 
under Plastique, Cleanlooks, Phase, etc., there is no space, making the menu 
look cramped.

I am attaching a patch that checks the style's menu panel width, and if too 
small sets contents margin for the menu to make up for it. This change is 
transparent for the default Oxygen style, and only affects styles with a menu 
panel width of less than 4.

If this is suitable, I can check it in.

Thank you,

David Johnson
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