4.2 on Debian Experimental Refactoring Alert :-)

David Baron d_baron at 012.net.il
Tue Jan 27 14:13:28 CET 2009

Just put in on, looks good after re-configuring my wallpaper and a couple of 

Most all compiled applets will need to be recompiled! (Some may no longer 
1. No longer need to require plasma libs, no included in kde4 libs. So:Take 
that line out of CMakeLists.txt
2. Now DO use KDE4_PLASMA_LIBS for linking.

All in all 4.2 looks great (except I cannot get rid of those notifications 
which did not appear in 4.1)! 

Noticed that there is now an option to use that Desktop folder like in the old 
days (it crashed). Just when I was beginning to write a containment (desktop 
overlay?) to do this :-)

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