Classic KMenu Extension

Cyberbeat cyberbeat at
Thu Jan 8 08:54:41 CET 2009


thanks for your reply.

> Two times a "Recent applications:" label? I would suggest to remove the
> first label and change the text of the checkbox to something like "Show
> recent applications" or so. Maybe the second label should then say "Number
> of recent application items" (my english sucks but the point here is, to
> indicate that the spin changes the number of items what is useful to know
> if e.g. a screenreader does read that label).

I'll change that.

> Do you think it would be a good idea to introduce logic to disable or even
> hide those both options if some other view like e.g. "logout" was choosen
> where those options don't make sense?

This option only affects the standard-menu. Perhaps greying out these options, 
if another menu-display is selected. Does really someone use these other 
view-options (recent/logout/.., they are easily integrated in the 

> -    <signal name="cleanRecentDocumentsAndDocuments"/>
> +    <signal name="clearRecentDocumentsAndApplications"/>
> That's a bit of a problem cause it changes the dbus-API. That would mean,
> that e.g. scripts or applets written against <4.3 connecting with that
> signal won't work any longer with 4.3 what is evil (specially since it's a
> runtime-error probably hard to discover). But then I guess it's safe to
> assume that noone outside of kickoff uses that signal yet. Anyway, I would
> suggest to backport that fix to the yet unreleased 4.2 branch before 4.2 is
> out and others may start to use that signal.

I think escpecially for inter-program-communication, the correct naming is 
important, so better change early.

> -    Q_ASSERT(maximum > 0);
> +    Q_ASSERT(maximum >= 0);
> uh? Does it really make sense to allow to set 0 recent items? I would
> suggest to use d->recentApplicationsSpinBox->setMinimum(1);

why not? some people perhaps don't want their environment to log which 
software they use. This number affects the model (how many are stored in 
rc-file), not only the display.

> Sorry, probably a stupid question, but does that also affect the
> recentmodel used in kickoff (so, not the classic menu)? If yes, then that's
> a problem cause that option can only be changed in the classic menu but is
> used at both of them. If not, then forget this comment :)

yes, this also affects kickoff. that's what i mentioned in my last mail. This 
should really be changeable in both menu-configurations. perhaps it is 
possible to share common configuration-panels/logic?

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