Ruby Bindings Animator problem

0xDeadC0de roguestar191 at
Tue Jan 6 06:38:04 CET 2009

I was hopeing someone (Rdale maybe? ;) could help me with this one, when I try:

class GloweyLabel < Plasma::Label
        slots   'linkHovered()',
        def initialize(par=nil)
                super nil
                Qt::Object.connect(self.nativeWidget, SIGNAL("linkHovered(QString)"), self, SLOT("linkHovered()") )
        def linkHovered()
                puts 'link hovered'
                Plasma::Animator.self.animateElement(self, Plasma::Animator::ActivateAnimation)

It crashes quickly after a linkHovered event. hmm

Trying to get any kind of animation on the label when a link is hovered in it

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