KDE Usability Meeting Notes

Celeste Lyn Paul celeste at kde.org
Mon Feb 23 00:40:05 CET 2009

Hi Everyone:

Thank you to everyone who participated in yesterday's KDE Usability meeting on 
IRC. I feel that the meeting very productive and that we Got Stuff Done. We got 
through 5 agenda items, all with resolutions/action items, and minimal off-
topicness. A summary of the meeting topics covered, their resolutions, 
actions, and a copy of the IRC log are available at Techbase:


The next KDE Usability Meeting will be March 18 20UTC (I promise, I have 
learned how to use a calendar by now). The meeting topic will be Usability 
Bugs. If you have any usability bugs you would like to discuss, please add 
them to the list of meeting topics.


~ Celeste

Celeste Lyn Paul
KDE Usability Project

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