discrepancy in python bindings for plasma

Thomas Coopman thomas.coopman at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 16:55:38 CET 2009

I have been running in the same problem and have looked a bit at the code
and it looks like createConfigurationInterface is not in AppletScript so
there are some changes needed to solve this.

But if it is possible to use showConfiguration and get the same dialog I
would like to know how too.

2009/2/19 Benjamin Kleiner <bizzl.greekdog at web.de>

> I have played around with the python bindings for plasma, and I noticed
> that the config dialog can't be "hijacked", since
> plasmascript.Applet.createConfigurationInterface() won't get called, thou
> you can use showConfiguration to completely override it. Is it supposed to
> be this way, and if yes, why?
> PS: I already asked at kde-bindings, and they have redirected me here.
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Thomas Coopman
Thomas.coopman at gmail.com
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