Review Request: Display correct week number in the calendar widget

Andras Mantia amantia at
Wed Feb 18 20:33:43 CET 2009

> On 2009-02-18 11:22:20, Aaron Seigo wrote:
> > the week # should be calculated properly according to the region settings. adding the weekday is going to cause layouting problems (which you've already run into :) and just be rather confusing.
> > 
> > on the other hand, it makes international scheduling with people over the phone a bit harder ("your week 32 is my week 33??") ... but if you're concerned about that you'll use a standard calendar system rather than a regional one, no? so .. this should be fixed properly.

Yes, it would add some confusion. I think going the ISO way is a good, because it avoids the confusion, but it introduces the issue that one row belongs to more than one week. But anyway, I'd be also happy if the week number would be calculated correctly, but somebody who knows better how to do it should do by reading through a lot of documents. :) can be a start, but it is far from being exact.
What's clear is that the current solution is bad, one row contains more than one week, but only one week number is displayed (clicking on individual days shows it).

> On 2009-02-18 11:22:20, Aaron Seigo wrote:
> > trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasmaclock/calendartable.cpp, lines 509-512
> > <>
> >
> >     i assume this is going to make translators unhappy. this should probably be treated with i18n.

I don't think so, this is always concatenating two numbers: 1/2, 2/3 and so on. But of course it can be replaced with an i18n.

- Andras

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On 2009-02-14 06:30:08, Andras Mantia wrote:
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> (Updated 2009-02-14 06:30:08)
> Review request for Plasma.
> Summary
> -------
> The calendar widget currently display incorrect and misleading week numbers if according to the regional setting the week doesn't start with Monday (like in  the US). The widget uses KCalendarSystem::weekNumber to find the week number for the first date in the row. This date can be any day of the week, not only Monday, as the calendar widget takes into the account the regional settings. But KCalendarSystem::weekNumber determines the ISO week number as it is stated in its documentation and that one starts with Mondays. This results in a wrong week number shown.
> Examples: in 2009 the week1 is 1-4, week 2 is 5-11th of January. If the regional is US, the second row starts from 4-10. For 4th the week number is 1, so 1 is shown for that week. This is wrong, that week contains days both from the first and second week. 
> The solution is either to calculate the week number according to the regional settings or display the week number correctly in ISO numbering. The patch does the second one, displays the week number(s) where the days in that row belong. So in US regional, row 2 (weeks 4-5) would be assigned to weeks 1/2 (4 is in 1, 5-10 is in 2).
> Diffs
> -----
>   trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasmaclock/calendartable.cpp 925810 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Tested with all possible weekday starts. The calendar default size needs to be bigger to fit week numbers like 52/53, sincerely don't know where to do it, that change probably needs to be done in the applet itself.
> Thanks,
> Andras

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