Fun with Akonadi Dataengine

David Baron d_baron at
Tue Feb 17 18:18:15 CET 2009

Latest from playground SVN.

After hand entering stuff like <akonadi/monitor.h> since I do not have the 
<Akonadi/Monitor> files available, it build OK.

My applet's sequence no longer gets to 1st base. I do not get the query() that 
gives me the ContactCollection-#.

In the explorer, I do get it. Possibly connectSource works and Query is 

When I request it, I see in the console contact data items rather than sources 
and then the explorer crashes.

I most likely do not want ALL the hash items all at once like that. What I had 
been getting in dataUpdated was the source (Contact-####) and the data-hash.

Will I still get this (and the console output has changed) or is this all 
changed as well. If so, I think the former sequences made more sense. Since I 
had contacts one-at-a-time to work with rather than having to parse when I 
have a new one.

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