Fun with Akonadi Dataengine

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Sat Feb 14 00:15:21 CET 2009

On Thursday 12 February 2009 17:49:10 David Baron wrote:
> Got to try it.

Cool :)

> connectSource to ContactCollections.
> dataUpdated() is called and I connectSource to ContactConnection-# that it
> gives me in the data.uniqueKeys()

Yup, that's how it's supposed to work.

> dataUpdated() is never called again.
> The console shows all the contacts being added int but the program never
> sees them.

So you say that the data you receive in dataUpdated() is empty, or lacking? 
Can you show your code?

> 1. What do I do now?
> 2. How do I know when all the data has been loaded--no more calls to
> dataUpdated() are going to happen?

You never do. Contacts can be added (and removed) all the time. Note that the 
monitoring probably doesn't work yet, I only wrote that part on the flight 
last Tuesday, but didn't get to actually try and test it.

When you get dataUpdated(), however, you are sure that that part of the data 
can be used (and is done loading).
sebas | |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 

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