Plasma and KWin Integration

Chani chanika at
Fri Feb 13 12:25:28 CET 2009

[resending, sorry, forgot to check cc's]

> But i have some ideas what i would like to have. And because i don't care
> how it is named in the end i just put my wishes into this thread.

> The following has nothing to do with activities in my opinion. I would like
> to be able to configure my virtual desktop/widgets
>     a. Same widgets on all virtual desktops
>     b. Different widgets on all virtual desktops
>     c. Associating a set of widget with virtual desktops, like widget set a
> on virtual desktop 1,3,5, widget set b on virtual desktip 2,4,6) would be
> nice to have.

that's what we (almost) have now - activities, in today's trunk, aren't very 
much more than sets of widgets. the view-per-virtual-desktop code has no gui, 
though, and I haven't tried it myself. but that's what it's supposed to be 
like when it's done, afaik.

> Activity in the sense i understand it has nothing to do with
> widgets/virtual desktops. An activity is primarily nothing but some kind of
> global setting i am able to configure. Like creating an activity "Work",
> "Private" or "KDE Development".
> Applications then could allow different configurations associated with the
> activity.
> For example 
> I have no idea if that is workable/doable. But that's what i would like to
> have as activities.

we do have plans for *plasmoids* to do cool stuff like that.
we don't have plans for *applications*
...but that sounds kinda cool. I don't really know if it's workable either, 
but I don't see why not... of course practically all the work would have to be 
done on the applications, many of which haven't even finished porting 
themselves to kde4... but it'd be a nice thing to see someday, I think. :)

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