Qt 4.5 and KDE 4.2

Chani chanika at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 11:42:55 CET 2009

> Therefore, in order to provide the best possible user experience, please
> let us know of issues you encounter, especially in Plasma combined with Qt
> 4.5. The Plasma team is willing to work out the kinks that might be there,
> but we'll need help testing the fixes. The good news is that the issues are
> usually quite well visible, so they should be rather easy to catch, just
> watch out for screwed up layouting, especially where widgets resize
> dynamically. The twitter applet comes to mind here, for example.

since 4.5, keyboard shortcuts only work on the dashboard and screensaver, not 
on the desktop alone. I haven't been able to figure out why, and haven't ruled 
out the possibility that something changed around the same *time* as 4.5 came 
in. I'd really appreciate it if someone could test for that in kde4.2 - now 
that I'm safey home I kinda need to go dig myself out of the backlog of 
homework and it'll take a while :)

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