Plasma/Kwin cooperation to achieve efficacy of Activites spatial metaphors

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Thu Feb 12 20:52:03 CET 2009

On Wednesday 11 February 2009 03:56:24 Lucas Murray wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Jud Craft <craftjml at> wrote:
> > Well, keep in mind, Plasma was not originally intended to be
> > cross-platform.  It was a happy accident of being not-tied-as-tightly
> > to Kwin and X as the developers hoped.
> But it would still be a regression so we can't really do that.

In my opinion, it's more involved than that.

I'm absolutely in favor of keeping libplasma X11-free as good as possible, we 
also need to ask ourselves in how far the KDE workspace is something exclusive 
to Free Operating Systems, especially Linux, BSD and Solaris (which all 
usually run X11).

In my opinion, X11 is a reasonable dependency for the plasma desktop shell. 
Somewhere, there's a line where platform independence will make it harder to 
provide the best user experience possible. Finding this line can be hard, and 
might be different dependent on personal opinion.

So in short, if reasonably high (yeah, fuzzy, I know) in the stack, an X11 
dependency can be warranted.

So regression or not, it might be acceptable in a particular case to depend on 
X11. I can't really judge about this particular issue though. 
sebas | |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 

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