Marco Martin
notmart at
Wed Feb 11 16:50:52 CET 2009
On Monday 09 February 2009, Marco Martin wrote:
> SVN commit 923960 by mart:
> stub for the systemtray watcher daemon:
> only a stub, just loads, anybody who feels hacking in in is way more than
> welcome
> CCMAIL:plasma-devel at
for who wasn't at tokamak and have no clue what the heck i'm talking about,
this is a very tiny kded that is meant to keep track of applications that will
use the new systemtray protocol (we would also need photos of the whiteboard
it's hard to know what is needed/what it isn't now that the user of it happyly
lives just in our imagination together the fluffy unicorn bunnies , by the way
the thing now has
-a function to register a service (could just monitor added services on dbus
but would be a little heavier perhaps)
-a function to enumerate registered services
-a signal that notifies that a service was added
-a signal that notifies that a service was removed (not strictly useful, just
for coherence)
and would really be not much more complex than is now
the only problem i see is if kded crashes/ the daemon is stopped/reloaded
already launched apps won't get registered, perhaps it would be required an
one time pain of iteration trough dbus to discover what apps expose the
systemtray api, ideally would be done at kde start so there would be slightly
less stuff to iterate in
any comments on how should behave, what should expose or even what is the
best name for it?
Marco Martin
> A systemtraydaemon (directory)
> A systemtraydaemon/CMakeLists.txt
> A systemtraydaemon/systemtray_daemon.desktop
> A systemtraydaemon/systemtraydaemon.cpp [License: UNKNOWN]
> A systemtraydaemon/systemtraydaemon.h [License: UNKNOWN]
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