Fwd: Re: [PATCH] fade out panel in desktopgrid

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Mon Feb 9 18:10:28 CET 2009

On Monday 09 February 2009, Lucas Murray wrote:
> There is no inconsistency here. Cover switch and present windows are
> both _window_ selection effects while desktop grid and desktop cube
> are _desktop_ selection effects.

splitting hairs. i switch desktops or windows for the same general reason: to 
change which applications i'm using. whether it's desktops or windows that are 
being operated on is an implementation detail.

> Hiding the panel changes what the desktop looks like 

and it makes it harder to pick which desktop?
it makes it harder to identify the desktop?

> and can be compared to hiding window decorations in
> present windows or something because one window has a slightly
> different color as it's the currently active one.

the panel is not a window decoration. not even analogous to it.
and it is not a matter of "not being like other things of similar form" (your 
example) it's "does not work when overviewed".

if you try it, you'll find there is no degradation in service with the panels 
hidden and it works more consistently across effects and with various desktop 

this is a rather basic question about user experience and how it flows 
smoothly from one step to the next. if there is difficulty in seeing this, 
then maybe we need to put aside all these discussions for now, assume that 
kwin and plasma will continue to work worse than they should together for the 
time being, and get together in person at akademy and discuss these issues 
face to face where we can have high bandwidth discussions and come to some 
agreed on goals for the level, quality and form of the user experience we are 
trying to deliver.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software

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