Some dates on Tokamak3

Mario Fux kde-ml at
Tue Aug 25 18:56:56 CEST 2009

Am Dienstag, 25. August 2009 schrieb Chani:


> > Btw, when we arrive at Randa, how should we proceed ??? Ask someone for
> >  Mario's house ? ;)
> a very good question. I'll be getting on an airplane in a couple of days,
> my phone will not work when I'm in europe, and I'd really like to know this
> stuff before I go. :)

I'll do a description of the way. Ok let's do it right here. I'll put it to 
the wiki with a photo as well.

Ok, when you arrive in Randa by train go up to the street (you get out of the 
train at left). Then follow the street to the right up to the crossroads (and 
a big house called "Maria am Weg"). There left up to the church where the 
road turns left. At the next branching take the right on and follow the 
street several 100 meters. After some stables at right right the 
Chalet "Nachtigall" appears. Final destination. It takes you 10 to 15 

If you'd like a map. Go to (in german only) click 
to "Ortsplan" at the top. The red dot is the train station. Search for the 
Chalet Nachtigall at "Ferienwohnungen" at the left side.

(Sorry, my OSM mapping is not yet ready...)

> also, I can buy the train ticket with visa, right? how do we get from
> zurich airport to the train?

Aaron already answered this.

About the arrivals times. I'll be there after Thursday afternoon. You should 
have my mobile number. When I find the time I'll come and catch you at the 
station myself or send someone ;-).

Any other questions?

Some important reminders:
- Think about Swiss Francs (our currency here).
- Think about the Swiss power adapters!
- Think about fun and good weather.


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