Review Request: big revamp of Device Notifier

David Baron d_baron at
Mon Aug 24 16:32:03 CEST 2009

>Is this the one that has been on kde-look for a while? Sounds like it.

>This is a worthy revamp of the original device-notifier plasmoid and in 4.3 
>is actually readable. The "last mounted" tooltip is of questionable 

This baby, at least the last version of it, is exercising dbus 
and hald and plasma-desktop to significant percentage of CPU activity. This 
indicates a big code problem because this adds to the overall daemon CPU glut 
that can slow plasma and kde4 to a fast crawl. The kde4-supllied applet does 
NOT have this problem.

I can look myself but am no expert (OK, time for more documentation as 
plasma's own API and all these activities and delegates and such are making my 
head swim--ok with anticipation!). If someone is reviewing this code, this 
problem must be checked and solved as this is a major bug in my mind. I will 
contact the author.

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