Some questions concerning virtual keyboard

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Aug 20 12:09:08 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 19 August 2009, Björn Ruberg wrote:
> 1. Bad translations:
> The keys on the keyboard are translated. In some cases the translations is
> wrong. The "home"-key for example is labeled wrong in German translation.
> It's translated to "personal folder". Obviously plasmaboard needs its own
> translation. What can I do about that?

use i18nc, e.g.:

i18nc("The 'Home' key on a keyboard", "Home);

> 2. Keyboard on the desktop:
> It is not possible to use the keyboard from the desktop because the window
> you are working on automatically looses focus when you click on the
> keyboard. Some users are confused by that. Question: Can I forbid the popup
> being dragged on the desktop? Or better: Instead the board the panel icon
> can be used on the desktop. Clicking on it would open the keyboard - which
> should be useable in this case. Is that doable?

doable, probably, but will require some modifications to plasma-desktop and/or 
even in libplasma. something to explore/look into.

> 3. Keyboard as panel?
> Currently the keyboard is displayed above windows. I find it useful to be
> able to make some kind of a panel out of it. I want that a maximized window
> not overlaps with the keyboard. Is that possible?

this should be possible with one of the panel hiding modes already supported, 

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software
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