plasma application policies

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Aug 19 17:43:23 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 05 August 2009, Richard Dale wrote:
> It also moves a few things around in applet.cpp, so that the code for
> shortcuts is all in Applet::addGlobalShortcutsPage() including the
> connect() calls to the configDialogFinished() slot to handle
> completing the dialog.

instead of addGlobalShortcutsPage(KConfigDialog*), it probably makes more 
sense to have a "addStandardConfigurationPages(KConfigDialog*)" as that's more 

it would be really nice to be able to avoid that altogether, though, perhaps 
with a custom subclass of KConfigDialog* that has some magic behaviour in it. 
but seeing as this will be used for a handful of classes (JavaScript, Ruby, 
Python and C# applet script engines, plus what ever else happens along in the 
future) it's probably not worth it.

if you can change the name of the method in your patch, please commit.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software
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