[Fwd: Re: [Bug 164805] Multiple columns in kick off]

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 19:05:54 CEST 2009

On Tuesday 28 April 2009, Bernhard Friedreich wrote:
> Hey!
> I'm forwarding this mail because I'd really like to see multiple columns
> in kickoff (in 4.3). Afaik hard feature freaze is next week so it must
> go in "now"...
> The original author of the patch has no time to complete it and I don't
> know if I'll have the skills/time to do so.. so I just bring up this
> topic again in hope that someone can volunteer and bring that patch to
> shape (if even neccessary).
what does it make it "not complete"?
> I applied it some time ago and it worked without any major problems. (I
> would have tried with newer trunk but unfurtunately I'm atm bound to
> Windows cause of school :-( )
> Attached you can find the patch from Luiz Felipe Talvik. All the credit
> goes to him.. I was just the one reminding him of this feature from time
> to time :D
> I really hope this will end up in trunk.. otherwise I'll try to get it
> ready at least for 4.4..
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Bernhard Friedreich
> PS: If anyone wants to put this on reviewboard.. no problem.. I just
> couldn't figure out what to do with the base path thingy ^^

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