Creating Plasma::Containments or Plasma::PopupApplets via the scripting api

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Apr 23 22:56:24 CEST 2009

On Thursday 23 April 2009, Richard Dale wrote:
> There are gl bindings for Ruby which work well with the Qt GL*
> classes, and I would think python has some.
> I need to add a new servicetype for the new PopupApplet and so I've
> got a file called plasma-applet-popupapplet.desktop containing this:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Type=ServiceType
> X-KDE-ServiceType=Plasma/PopupApplet

this would require one for each type of applet, and might give people the 
wrong idea about having to include that in their c++ ones? well, can't hurt 
any.. only other option would be to have an X-Plasma-AppletSpecialization 
entry or some other nonsense, so this looks the cleanest.

> The Containment one also has these lines:
> [PropertyDef::X-Plasma-ContainmentCategories]
> Type=QStringList
> Do I need an equivalent one for Plasma/PopupApplets?

no, this is to map containments to panel vs desktop vs screensaver, etc.

applets don't need (and shouldn't have) this...

> C++ PopupApplets don't seem to have their own service defined and they
> are just Plasma/Applets. I think I've seen this in a .desktop file
> though:
> ServiceTypes=Plasma/Applet,Plasma/PopupApplet
> Is that what we should have - or is it just wrong, and there should
> only ever be one ServiceType defined for plasma things in .desktop
> files?

it isn't wrong, but it also doesn't matter for c++ applets.

> I was going to add this to the 4.2 branch, but if it needs
> translations in the service type files, then maybe I shouldn't.

yes, it probably would unless there was no Name= entry, and i don't think 
that's valid?

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software

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