Keyboard shortcuts and applets

Emdek emdeck at
Mon Apr 13 22:39:51 CEST 2009

On Monday 13-04-2009 19:39:00 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Sunday 12 April 2009, Emdek wrote:
>> On Sunday 12-04-2009 18:23:00 Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at> wrote:
>> > On Sunday 12 April 2009, Emdek wrote:
>> >> If yes, I think that that there should be added information in
>> >> configuration, for what is that shortcut intended. Or maybe separate  
>> it
>> >> from rest of applet configuration
>> >
>> > what benefit is there to this? the downsides would be more entries in
>> > context
>> > menus, having to provide more buttons in the applet handle and having  
>> to
>> > visit
>> > more places for configuration which in turn requires the user to  
>> build a
>> > detailed mental model about "what kind of configuration i'm doing"
>> Ok, right, but there maybe should be at least some description for that
>> keyboard shortcut (only general, adding possibility to set own for each
>> applet could be maybe useful, to explain what it do in that plasmoid,  
>> but
>> then we need a way to set this information etc., and this could be too  
>> big
>> problem and not too big benefit).
> yes, i don't think it's worth it for the benefit.

Ok, but I'm still thinking that there could be some general information on shortcut page, that says that triggering that shortcut will gave keyboard focus to that applet etc.
What do you thing about this kind of description?

> a widget offering additional global shortcuts on its own is going to  
> usually
> be a bad idea (they are in limited supply), but what we could do easily  
> this:

Yes, right, but in case of for example kind of media player applet having more than one global accessible action could be useful (but maybe could be also achieved by triggering focus shortcut first and then "local" ones?).

> when creating the shortcuts page, go through all actions in d->actions  
> and add
> them to the page.

So maybe there could be added method that returns list of actions that we want to add to configuration dialog, similar to that for contextual actions?
Then we could check if it is global or not using isGlobalShortcutEnabled() and then display two group boxes, one for local and one for global shortcuts.
This is only idea of course.
Who codes decides. ;-)

So what solution you suggest for that problem when we want to use activated() to tell panel to unhide (like in Tasks applet) and use it's activation shortcut to perform action?
Should be there added new action with global shortcut?
Or this could be done in another way?

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