Contrast plasma::theme color issues

pinheiro nuno at
Thu Apr 9 21:20:20 CEST 2009

A Quinta 09 Abril 2009 18:40:46 Aaron J. Seigo você escreveu:
> On Thursday 09 April 2009, Helio Chissini de Castro wrote:
> > For light backgrounds with white text, there's no same issue. Happens
> > always in the combination of dark background with light themes.
> the solution is simple: make the halo larger and perhaps don't use such a
> small font.
> > So, for 4.4 maybe is a good idea to study this specific issue and have
> > some solution for this, but for now, i'm out of a simple solution than do
> > a ugly hack for solve our issues.
> it doesn't require an ugly hack at all. here's your patch, applies in
> kdelibs/plasma/:
> Index: widgets/iconwidget.cpp
> ===================================================================
> --- widgets/iconwidget.cpp      (revision 951209)
> +++ widgets/iconwidget.cpp      (working copy)
> @@ -976,7 +976,7 @@
>          shadowOffset = QPoint(0, 1);
>      }
> -    PaintUtils::shadowBlur(shadow, 2, d->shadowColor);
> +    PaintUtils::shadowBlur(shadow, 4, d->shadowColor);
>      painter->drawImage(textBoundingRect.topLeft() + shadowOffset, shadow);
>      d->drawTextItems(painter, option, labelLayout, infoLayout);
>  }
> > So we need at least in future the possibility of set color for items like
> > icon text color, desktop plasma menu text color, etc...
> not necessary.
> now the commentary part of my email:
> > First of all, here's the screenshot of basically the default desktop:
> >
> >
> > So, we are using Aya theme, against a dark background.
> may i ask: why Aya?
> we include Aya for boring, conservative desks. think "i'm an accountant and
> always wear a yellow bow tie to work. sometimes i put sugar *and* cream in
> my coffee!!!"
> i dunno .. it's like giving people the choice between a cool, hip suit and
> a paper bag and they pick the paper bag to wear outside.
> i'm really disappointed in defaults distros are choosing because they
> totally make it pointless for us to do any art when the distros prove over
> and over that they have no taste and therefore will inflict their lack of
> taste on the user.
> this sort of decision making is killing kde on the desktop. think "first
> impressions" and guess what people will think when they look at what you
> just sent us. ugh!
> and before you say "oh, but people like simple and plain" i say "bullshit,
> go look at how everyone wants a mac".
> some day i wonder why we even bother trying to make things look good
> upstream.
In this case i know and its couse the marketing team in mandriva wants gnome 
and kde desktop to look alike, so yeah 
ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. makes me wonder wtf do we work 
Nuno Pinheiro

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