Usability questions for Mandelbrot

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Thu Apr 9 00:15:15 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 08 April 2009 18:42:37 Benoit Jacob wrote:
> Question 2.
> In unlocked mode, should the mouse pointer become a little hand (or
> something like that) to indicate that the view can be dragged? Or
> should we keep the default pointer?
> Argument in favor of default pointer: it might be annoying to see that
> little hand most of the time, since we're talking about a large
> prominent element of the desktop.
> Argument in favor of special pointer (like a hand): gives a clue that
> dragging is possible (though it doesn't give a clue that zooming is
> also possible).

Make the mouse pointer a hand only when the left button is pressed, this way 
you get visual feedback without the distraction of the always hand.
sebas | |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 

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