Tool tips ideas

Fredrik Höglund fredrik at
Sat Apr 4 15:24:15 CEST 2009

On Saturday 04 April 2009, Marco Martin wrote:
> On 4/3/09, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at> wrote:
> > On Friday 03 April 2009, Emdek wrote:
> >
> > > > well, the subtitle can actually be html, so there can be a quite good
> >  > > level of
> >  > > customization (look at the pager tooltip for instance)
> >  >
> >  > Yes, I know that, but this helps "only" in making look them very custom (in
> >  > sense of appearance), but doesn't help so much in making them behave
> >  > different (for example add actions to them, with icons, but maybe someone
> >  > would want to add for example more complex widget in own application)...
> >
> >
> > what are the use cases?
> >
> >  icons are not a problem. actions could be, but then we could probably quite
> >  easily add a way to get notified of link clicks from tooltips or even allow
> >  one to send in a list of QActions in ToolTipContent.
> and now the question is (and i don't quite have the answer)
> do we really want clickable tooltips or tooltips that just behave as
> well... tooltips?
> (for instance clickable taskbar thumbnails could be handy, but wouuld
> augment the annoyment factor since they won't go away when the mouse
> leaves the task area)

Being interactive doesn't mean that the tooltips have to stick
around until the user explicitly closes them.

The tooltips the folderview applet pops up when you hover a folder
icon contain icon views that you can interact with, and tooltips
will even open recursively for files inside that tooltip.

But they still go away when the cursor stops hovering the folder
icon or when the cursor leaves the tooltip. The delay before they're
hidden means that the user has time to move the cursor into the
tooltip if they want to interact with it.

Those tooltips are not implemented using Plasma::ToolTipManager,
and I'm not sure if they should be. The recursive nature of the
tooltips makes the mechanism that determines when a tip should
be closed quite complicated.


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