Summer Of Code [Desktop Dock]

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Apr 2 02:01:13 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 01 April 2009, Alexander Shenoy wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Alexander Shenoy. I am a student at the University of Pittsburgh
> at Bradford and I was considering a summer of code project. I have also
> been looking for a way to contribute to the KDE community. I was wondering
> if there had been any proposals submitted for the Desktop Dock Plasmoid
> idea. This project really interests me and would give me the opportunity to
> contribute to the KDE community. I am preparing a propasal right now, but 

great :)

> I
> wanted to contact the plasma team to see if there was any other information
> that I should be aware of.

just that we have a *lot* of people applying this year for plasma work 
apparently. so proposals will need to really shine and stand out content-wise 
this year, i think.

> I have long wanted a dock for the KDE desktop. Also, I have some
> interesting ideas about the dock. One of the things about the Mac Dock that
> has always annoyed me was the thumbnail when minimizing windows. The
> thumbnail looks out of place when side by side with beautiful icons.
> Instead, I propose to use Present Windows to show the windows in that
> application on a hover of the icon within the dock.

sounds interesting ...

> I also thought of
> having a small area on the right of the dock that would allow users to use
> keyboard inputs to launch applications and find documents. The basic idea
> is that you would click this and the dock becomes a search tool. Then the
> user can type in a phrase and get search results in a pop up(or drop-down)
> menu and applications in the dock. While this idea might be beyond the
> scope of the Google Summer of Code, I believe that it would improve
> usability substantially as far as the Dock is concerned.

we already have such a plasmoid in playground so i don't think it would be 
much work to integrate it nicely ;)

> This is also a
> project that I would be interested in working on even past my summer of
> code obligations, should I get accepted.


> Anyone have any questions or comments before I make my final proposal

please put your proposal up sooner rather than later. you can still edit it 
until the 3rd after you submit it, but google is wanting students to put their 
draft proposals online ASAP

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Software

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