Extender tutorial on techbase

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Sep 9 17:20:09 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 09 September 2008 16:56:11 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> because people will make the wrong decisions. in the submission for 145 it
> says:
> " For example kickoff's is always shown when put in the desktop while it
> would be nicer to have it "iconified" as it happens in the panel."
> like many things Plasma, this is one of those things people don't "get"
> right away. why would you want a launcher constantly *iconified* on the
> desktop? the entire *point* of having the menu on the desktop is to have a
> launcher visible. 145, essentially, misses the point.

I definitely, totally, completely agree. I had a discussion with sebas and a 
couple of other people about that, this is the way to go, absolutely!

> have popupapplet support a null icon being passed into setIcon, which will
> cause it to kill it's own icon. at that point, you are quite free to
> reimplement paintInterface or instantiate your widget.

Awesome. A few applets will want a QGW as icon, but that trick works pretty 
well. Precisely the soultion I was looking for. =)

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