GroupingTaskbar infos and questions

christian mollekopf chrigi_1 at
Thu Sep 4 18:58:36 CEST 2008

Hi there,the groupingtaskmanager is in a fairly usable state now but there are still some issues left where i could use some help.What is working by now:-Everthing that the old taskmanger could do exept the show only current screen functionality and startup tasks-Automatic grouping by programname based on the name in Taskmanager::Task::classClass()-Manual grouping, this creates on change of the desktop a copy of the whole grouptree so all manually created groups can get restored on return to the desktop (only if showOnlyCurrentDesktop is enabled of course)-Automatic sorting by alpha-Manual sortingWhere i still have to work on and need your help:-I couldn't figure out how to find out if a window is on the current screen because the containment isn't available in the lib. I think i could pass down the containment to do it the same way it was done before, but i wonder if there is some cleaner way. All i would have to know is on which screen the taskbar applet currently is...-I couldn't find a reliable source for the progamtype. As mentioned i currently use Taskmanager::Task::classClass() which works for things like opera or konqueror but totally fails on programs like vlc and its playlist.-Expanded groups currently look really ugly. The first point is that currently all tasks in an expanded group are squeezed to fit in the room that one task has. I not sure if an expanded group that contains 2 task should use the place of two tasks, or just maybe 1.5 time the place of a single task.The expanded groups have a background in a specific color so they can easely distincted from other tasks. This is a fully opaque red,, yet. Since this looks awful we need some kind of colorpalette which looks nice and fits the current theme. There porbably has to be a configuration dialog to choose between some palettes. Unfortunately i don't have a clue if there is already something like this.What else i intend to implement:-A configuration window where some group properties (name, color, icon) can be changed by the user. Each groupingstrategy can decide itself wich properties may be edited by the user and which are solely handled by the strategty (this part is already implemented).-support for multiple rows (configurable)-collapsed groups should popup an expanded version of it similar the tooltip does-A stop/start grouping this program button for the grouping by programbtw. both manual groupingstartegies aren't persistent over sessions since the Task pointer changes. I wonder if there is some way to recognize windows over sessions.About the sorting and grouping strategies:The only useful sortingstrategy for me is currently the manualSortingStrategy (for what i actually started this whole project =). I implemented the alphasorting to stress the api but it's actually rather annoying if a task jumps around just because the website (and therefore the name of the task) changed. And i can't think of any situation where this would be useful anyway.Almost the same for the groupingStrategies. My favourite is definitely the manualgroupingStrategy where i can group tasks according to the work i have to do. Grouping programs also makes sense sometimes, and as soon we can start/stop automatic grouping of certain programs (or even windows) this would become even more handy.But for both, i can't think of any further useful strategies. Would be great if some of you could come up with some cool ideas.Would be cool if you could answer some of my questions.(the code is still at branches/work/plasma-groupingtaskbar/ )Regards Chris
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