Problems with the new tasks applet

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Oct 22 18:42:56 CEST 2008

On Wednesday 22 October 2008, Petri Damstén wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two tasks applet running (one at the bottom of each screen).
> * Maximum rows == 1 and row is half the height of the panel.
> * Maximum rows == 1 and sometimes I see one task in another row
> * If I move task to another screen it vanishes from the source screen but
> does not show in tasks in the destination screen.

the algorithm to put the tasks in the grid is maybe a bit convoluted so i 
still did not understood whar the entity of problems in it could be.
but a place where there is definitely a problem is QGraphicsGridLayout:
it turns out if you make a grid layout with items on say 3 rows, and then 
remove the items on a row, the layout will still think it has 3 rows (even if 
rowCount() now will return 2) and so resize the items on the first two rows to 
make room for that ghost dead third row and seems there is no way to really 
reset it (and no, there was absolutely no updates to graphicslayouts in 
qt4.5tp not a single line changed :/ ).
so, i don't see non hacky solutions to that in the short term, the only way 
for now would be something like delete and recreate the layout each time the 
row count decreases :(
in that case layoutwidget shouldn't be a layout itself but just contain one...

Marco Martin

> Just let me know if you need me to do more testing/debugging.
> Petri
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