status of single monitor support

Orcan Ogetbil orcanbahri at
Mon Oct 13 01:37:42 CEST 2008

I am not sure if this is the right place to bring this up. There is an issue with screen resolution that I consider a "design bug" in all the DE's I ever used: Win95, Win98, Win2k, KDE2.x, KDE3.x, KDE4.x, Gnome 2.x...

Let's go by examples. When I increase my screen resolution, all the texts and icons (and windecos) on my desktop get smaller. But all I wanted to have is an increased resolution. I have to go and fix the font and icon sizes every time I change the resolution.

Resolution means resolving. In photography if you take two pictures of the same object, one with a higher resolution than the other one, and then print them on the same size paper, you will have two pictures of the same size, one with a better resolution.

I expect the same thing from my desktop. When I change the screen resolution I am not changing my monitor's size. Thus the apparent sizes of the texts and icons should remain the same. They should just *resolve* better.

I think the DE should have a function that adjusts the sizes of everything according to the resolution. Or at least an option that will honor such a function. A good way of implementing this idea to font sizes is to have an option to display the Font sizes in metric units rather than pixels in KDE's Font Settings dialog. Or -if it has to be kept the same way- we should simply call it something other than "resolution".

There are monitors out there with resolutions as high as 2560x1600 and I am sure these numbers will keep growing. Fonts of size 9, for example,  are totally illegible on a 24'' monitor with such a resolution.

Have a great day!

PS: You may have noticed that the title was inspired by the other thread. All credits go to the original author :)


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