Panel colors, background and compositing...

Jud Craft craftjml at
Tue Nov 25 01:53:17 CET 2008

I didn't realize this.  Does it work with any style?  Could I have,
for example, a midnight-blue Oxygen, like in the early preview-shots
of KDE4?

I hate to be so ignorant, but I'm actually running GNOME at the
moment, and I didn't notice that feature in my KDE 4.1 setup
elsewhere.  But I may have overlooked it.

On another note:

In the future, assuming DRI2 gets worked out, that would mean that
compositing (and software compositing via XRender?) at the very least
should always work.  So once we get there, this problem goes away,
right?  (Or would the memory manager only work with accelerated

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